Saturday, March 21, 2009

Don't read if you dont want to curse...

Warning, this post contains cursing whatever there is.
Also, DO NOT read, if you love dogs so much... you might start to hate me ;]

DOgs dogs DOGS!!!
Bark the shit out of you in the morning,
Shit everywhere,
Argh, they just give you work...

This morning...
Right now...
My DOGS woke my up... 7 dogs... barking, howling...
So I went downstairs and see what happened...

In case you dont know...
The whole family told my grandpa not to bother about dogs anymore...
After he fuckin KILLED my dog...
He is just too fuckin free...
My mom and i bathe 7 dogs last Friday,

Saturday, Grandpa just let all the dogs out of the cage...
Guess what happened?...
That's right... Sperm everywhere! shit...
I had to bathe the dogs... over again!
So i tried to tell my grandpa... just dont bother about those shittin'dogs...
He just wont listen... He let all the dogs out, AGAIN this morning...
I was fuckin pissed... i scold i curse the fuck out of him...
I scream at those dogs... i whack them...
I was like a freakin'killer...
I never whack dogs before...

But i finally cracked...
I get what they dogs do...
You buy them,
You pay,
You pay for their food,
Cages, Dog houses...
What do you get in the end?...
Shits everywhere...
Pees on your care tires...
The gate... everywhere!
Owh... Here's the FUN part of having dogs...
You just feed them til their death...
You you pay more than 1000... for 1 dog....
Well... imagine paying for 7 of them!
You spend more than 10k... for their death?!
For them to shit.. pee around your house?!
You know what's special about dogs?...
The word DOG...
Well guess what happen if you write/read them backwards...
IT'S GOD... What the hell?!...

New day?...
Well, not a good starting...
I wonder what's next...


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