Monday, March 23, 2009


Normal boring blog,
Normal boring blogger,
Normal boring day,
Normal boring me,
Normal boring school,
Normal boring... well, everything...

So, I went to school today,
As always... got there at like... 7am...
zzz i was so freakin'bored...
And so i waited, and waited...
Sitting at the stairs... day dreamin...
People passing by: "hi"
Boring me: "hey"
End of conversation...

As usual...
Insult Miss Tan
'where is she?'
'omg new student!' xD
'owh wait... we get to sit down... still can't see her though...' xP
Talk about non-sense...

9am, some kind of activity...
Luckily, 'someone' told me that i will need my p.e. clothes...
Thank you '.....' ,
But i didn't wear them,
Ran too much in the hols...
Legs hurt... so i gave it to the "runner"
I thought i didn't need to do anything if i'm not wearing p.e. shirt,
But i had to... lolz... sweat on my uniform...
Smell like... i dont know... but i stink lolz...

Ended around 12pm,
at least i thought...
but no... yellow house had to march at lunch time...
well... in the end.. we just stand under the sun for less than 5 minutes...

Hope it'll be a better day tomorrow...

Got home...
Tried to do my hw...
But i didn't... argh...
I couldn't... who cares! ;]
'.....' came online... started the conversation...
Well... gonna chat with her now...
Vick' signing out...


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